7 Questions with Aspiring Welder


William Sleek and Shelbie Patterson

Between hammering metal and melting steel, Freshman Braden Mcdonald sat down with us to relieve our curiosity about what goes on at the HHS Welding classes. Here’s what we learned:

  1. What’s your favorite thing to do in Agriculture (Ag)?  “Welding and working up to my card to be certified to weld,” Mcdonald said.
  2. What can you gain by being in Ag? “You can get your certificate and have a job lined up for you right out of high school.”
  3. What are the requirements for this class? Mcdonald stated, “ Mr. McGowen (HHS Agriculture teacher) wants more maturity in this class and also shop clothes to work in.”
  4. What do you want to achieve from this class? “I want to have a job lined up for me outside of school and during the summers or just an extra job.”
  5. How many welds do you hope to make this year? “I hope to make enough to be able to work in some of the shows next year and make a little money off of it.”
  6. Are there any metal shows this year?  Mr. McGowen told us, “I hope to have several and be able to sell more hay rings this year than last.”
  7. Who do you look up to the most in the ag program? “Mr. McGowen, he knows how to run everything the right way and teaches us how to after,” McDonald stated.