Cross Country Chronicles

5 Questions with Cross Country Seniors

Carlos Patino and Evan Steward

Joshua Camacho and Odey Jeffs agreed to enlighten us on the adventures of the Hooks High school Cross Country team as senior runners. Here’s what we learned:

  1. Favorite memory involving cross country?

Camacho answered, “going to Whataburger after the McLeod game .” HHS sports teams returning from meets or games often stop for food on the way home. One would be surprised to find out the positive memories made sitting around the table with their teammates.

  1. Are there any requirements to be met in order to join

“You need to have legs and be in cross country.” Camacho said. Anyone interested in cross country should talk to a coach about joining the team.

  1. What does a cross country meet look like?

Camacho said, “running 3.1 miles competitively in different types of terrain.” This sport definitely isn’t for the faint hearted.

  1. Why do you enjoy being a member?

“It can be very enjoyable with the team,” Camacho said.

  1. What makes cross country different from other athletic sports?

Jeffs replied, “It’s mentally demanding and you just have to keep running.” Other sports often use running as a punishment. This “punishment” is cross country’s whole competition.


Cross country may not be everyone’s cup of tea but we can appreciate the ones who represent HHS adequately.