Seniors Got Spirit

Students participate in “anything but a backpack” day


Katherine Kyles, Reporter

HHS seniors kicked off Senior Spirit Week with a bang. Today, the class of 2022 celebrated their upcoming graduation by bringing “Anything but a Backpack” to carry their school supplies. Students went all out with this one. Seniors showed their creativity with carriers ranging from a suitcase to a lawnmower. 

Our website ( has a poll on the homepage where anyone can vote for who they think brought the best backpack replacement. Leave your opinion! Below are the contestant’s photos with their strange book bags.

Expectations are high for the remainder of the week. Here are the upcoming spirit days.

Tues: Throwback: dress as your middle-school self

Wed: College shirt/future career

Thurs:  SR shirt

Friday:  Six Flags, so Seniors will not be here.

We will update our Instagram with the best spirit day participants!